Assistant Make-Up Artist

The Assistant Make-Up Artist in Cinema and Television

Length : 8 hours


This course will give you the basic knowledge that you need to work independently in the audiovisual industry while conforming to the hierarchy, rules of ethics and rules for working with other people that are specific to this environment. Once you have completed this course, you will be able to:

  •  decode the language used in direction of photography so as to better understand its impact on your work;
  •  understand the roles and hierarchy on a film set;
  •  differentiate the various phases of a shooting day;
  •  take appropriate action in various situations on the set.

Target professions

Mandatory course to obtain the status of member of the Makeup department.

Before registering for this course, please read the membership criteria for each of these departments carefully.

Read the membership criteria


Have taken the course “Initiation to community life” and already be a member of AQTIS 514 IATSE.

Training team

Catherine Lavoie is a make-up artist with over 25 years’ experience in the audiovisual industry. Admired for her creativity and attention to detail, she works in both film and television. Her passion and enthusiasm have made her an esteemed professional in the industry. In the course of her career, she has done almost every job on film sets in Québec and the U.S., most notably on productions such as X-Men, La Bolduc, It’s only the End of the World, Riddick, Mother and Aviator. Also active in the fashion industry, Catherine has worked with many photographers and stylists; her work has been recognized and featured in magazines such as Châtelaine, Clin d'œil and FHM.


Please enter your name on the callback list at the bottom of the page to be notified of the next dates that become open for registrations. You will then receive an e-mail containing the date a few weeks before the course. You can then contact us to register. These e-mails are sent every Wednesday.

PLEASE NOTE: Subscribing to the reminder list is not equivalent to subscribing to the training course.

The number of participants allowed in each course is limited.
On the day of the course, we will not admit any participants who have not paid for it in advance.




8 a.m. - 5 p.m.

1001, boulevard de Maisonneuve Est, bureau 900, Montréal (Québec) H2L 4P9

85$ + taxes for members 

2 or 3 times a year 


Questions ?

Please contact our Professional Training Team 514 844-2113
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