Harassment, burnout and mental health
Understanding harassment
Understanding what psychological and sexual harassment is. Find out how to recognize harassment and the available support options.

There is a multitude of options available to you:
- If you are a victim or witness of harassment and want to talk about it, you can contact your Labour Relations Advisor.
- For any general inquiries about harassment, please contact infoharcèlement@aqtis514iatse.com
- To learn more about harassment ‒ how to prevent, diffuse, resolve an issue ‒, we suggest you attend our training session.
TRAining: Preventing psychological and sexual harassment in the workplace (In french only)

AQTIS 514 IATSE, in collaboration with Ghislaine Labelle and the CNESST, invites you to attend the "Contribuer à une culture exempte de harcèlement psychologique et sexuel chez les travailleur-euse-s du milieu de l’audiovisuel" training session.
Homewood assistance Program (available 24/7)
L'APARTÉ - Resources for dealing with harassment and violence in cultural industries
burnout and mental health
Ça va mal à'shop (French only)
The Fédération des travailleurs et travailleuses du Québec (FTQ) has produced a documentary mini-series about psychological risks in the workplace called "Ça va mal à'shop." It features workers speaking out about what they endure on the job.
There is also a short questionnaire (anonymous and confidential) to help identify psychological risks in your work environment.
Les risques pour la santé psychologique au travail, ce n'est pas de la fiction (French only)
The CNESST provides resources to help prevent and manage mental health risks in the workplace.
Psychological harassment in the workplace refers to:
a. vexatious behaviour;
b. which manifests itself through repeated actions, words and gestures;
c. that are hostile or unwanted;
d. that negatively affect a person’s dignity or psychological or physical integrity;
e. and that create a harmful work environment.
Examples of sexual harassment in the workplace include:
a. Making unnecessary physical contact (touching, caressing);
b. Asking for sex in exchange for a favour;
c. Making inappropriate comments (including jokes) about a person’s body, appearance, identity or sexual orientation;
d. Asking personal questions;
e. Whistling or leering, particularly at a person’s private parts;
f. Posting or sharing pornographic photos of a person.
a. Rude behaviour
Not following the basic rules of civility, whether intentionally or not. For example: ignoring someone who said hello, being impolite, using vulgar language, talking behind someone’s back.
b. Difficult interpersonal relationships
Difficulty working or getting along with someone. For example: having to constantly ask for a coworker’s cooperation, being put in awkward situations due to unresolved issues.
c. Conflict
Disagreeing with a coworker about a work-related issue. For example: a turf war over a decision involving several departments.
a. If possible, try talking to the person who is harassing you.
b. If the situation involves two persons who work in the same department, speak to the department head.
c. Report the situation to the producer.
d. You can at any time contact the AQTIS 514 IATSE advisor assigned to the production for help or advice.
a. Harass the person back.
b. Try to tarnish their reputation.
a. Investigate the allegation in a confidential manner, or help resolve the issue using other means, such as mediation.
b. When possible, assign the persons involved to different locations.
c. Impose disciplinary measures, which could range from a notice to dismissal without pay.
a. In addition to reporting the situation to your supervisor or to a different representative of the producer, you must inform the union advisor assigned to the production.
b. The advisor will inform you of the next steps.
a. Contact APARTÉ for help. Their services are offered 24/7, free of charge.
b. Report the situation to AQTIS 514 IATSE. They will inform you of your options.
a. The union will support you throughout the process.
b. If a formal report is made, the union will make sure the producer takes the necessary action for the inappropriate behaviour to stop.
c. If the producer doesn’t take action, the union can step in and initiate the grievance process, as outlined in the collective agreement.
a. Expel a member from the union without an official complaint or investigation.
b. Demand that the alleged harasser to be prevented from working on the same production as you in the future based solely on an allegation.
c. Initiate any actions without revealing your identity to the producer.
d. Force the producer to take specific actions.
a. Offer support to the victim.
b. Encourage them to report the situation.
c. Be available as a witness in case of an investigation.