Green Sets
AQTIS 514 IATSE is taking action to make the sets we work on greener. A committee has been created to recommend new practices.AQTIS 514 IATSE is rolling green!
Since 2013, AQTIS 514 IATSE has been working hard to cut its paper use. We have replaced paper versions of the following items with electronic versions:
• 5,000 copies of the Member Directory (350 pages each)
• More than 5,500 tax receipts
• More than 3,000 insurance review letters, every six months
• Approximately 3,500 dues notices
• Activity reports and production lists
Interested in getting involved with the Green Sets Committee? Contact us at 514-844-2113.

News from the Committee
The Green Sets instructions have been designed to help you institute the best environmental practices in some or all departments, or at some or all stages of the production process (preparation, production, postproduction).
Like us, you probably noticed in 2020 that working under COVID-19 conditions created environmental challenges. That’s why today more than ever we must work together to make green practices standard on Quebec film sets. We have the power (and the duty) to push our industry forward toward more responsible practices, while developing the green expertise that will deliver concrete benefits in our work and for our industry.
New members have joined the AQTIS 514 IATSE Green Sets Committee and they’ve brought us a fresh burst of energy. We’re excited to share our achievements and this year’s ongoing projects!
Great news! Québec Cinéma has adopted our proposal and is adding a new “Iris Vert” award next year recognizing a film whose production team made an outstanding effort to reduce carbon emissions. Our hope is that this recognition in the community will encourage producers to adopt sound environmental practices.
One of our goals this year is to shine a spotlight on technicians who make an outstanding contribution to environmental initiatives. You can help: Nominate inspiring individuals who you feel deserve to be recognized for a “green initiative of the month.” And don’t forget to share you and your colleagues’ green success stories on social media using the hashtag #greensets. If you’re a set photographer, take a minute to capture moments of environmental responsibility when you see them!
Reminder: Quebec’s council of environmentally responsible events, CQEER, maintains a directory of “green” suppliers on its website. It’s a handy resource for reducing environmental impacts during every phase of production.
The Quebec Film and Television Council (QFTC) has launched its Rolling Green/On tourne vert website. The site gathers helpful documents and tools, including a search engine for environmental resources. QFTC has also developed a green certification system for film shoots, which is in the process of being adopted. Three pilot shoots are currently testing the program, including Anaïs Barbeau-Lavalette’s next film. Once again, the success of this important project is in our hands, colleagues. Every action helps!
Here’s hoping to see an upsurge of green shoots in 2021!
Your keen green colleagues,
Francesca Waltzing and Ariane Aubin-Cloutier
Facebook: AQTIS 514 IATSE
Instagram: aqtis514iatse, and try the #greensets hashtag!
Committee meeting minutes
Meeting minutes: April 29, 2021
Cigarette butt recycling partnership
Cigarette butts: A unique challenge
Cigarette butts make up close to 30% of waste found on public property. They contain nicotine and hazardous materials which dissolve and pollute waterways and the entire ecosystem. And cigarette filters contain microplastics, a major problem in oceans and waterways.
To address these issues and better serve its members, AQTIS 514 IATSE is teaming up with SAESEM, the organization behind the Mégot-Zéro program. Their approach is very consistent with our desire to make our sets greener while lowering our industry’s carbon footprint.
Positive steps on our sets!
• Bring your own cutlery
• Bring your own coffee/tea cup (How many hot beverages do you drink per day? And how many days do you work in a year? Do the math...)
• Bring your own dishes for snacks
• Use your personal headset (again, consider that on a project involving 50 days of shooting, with an average of 50 technicians, we may discard 100 headsets!)
• Need batteries? Consider rechargeables!
Green thinking in action!
Here’s a great example of something all of us can do to cut back on waste in our on-set garbage bins.
In 2018, on the set of Season 3 of Lâcher Prise, the cast and crew brought not only their own water bottles but also coffee mugs, cutlery and snack dishes! And know what? It’s actually not that hard!

The key is creating a connection with the craft service manager at the start of the shoot. We were fortunate to work with Krystelle Coutu, who was thrilled to see us show up with our own personal dishes!

Everyone had 2 dishes, and we were all responsible for washing our own. Once they were identified, getting reusable dishes from the mobile kitchen to the set was a snap.

This is just one example of how big environmental improvements are within easy reach. Have specific questions about how it works? Reach out to Krystelle. She has great tips and smart advice on effective ways to roll out eco-friendly snacks.

We all have a part to play for the environment ;-)
Member of the Executive, Representative, Camera Department
Photo credits: Marlène Gélineau Payette