Driving forces
AQTIS 514 IATSE provides the following services to all its members
Negotiates collective agreements with producers and producer associations in the film and television industry.
More infoManagement
Enforces collective agreements, manages labour relations, resolves conflicts related to the application of collective agreements, and when necessary, files and follows up on grievances.
More infoTraining courses
Offers a professional training service that includes orientation sessions, basic or advanced courses for certain occupations, and training in health and safety.
More infoEmployment assistance
Provides employment assistance through an "technicians hiring system" (SET) accessible to producers and members and by means of an online membership directory and a productions directory.
More infoSocial safety net
Provides a social safety net that includes a group insurance plan, a group RRSP and a psychosocial support program.
More infoPrevention
Provides a workplace health and safety prevention service and defends injured workers in their dealings with the CNESST and various administrative tribunals.
More infoCompensation
Provides a workplace health and safety compensation service and defends injured workers in their dealings with the CNESST and various administrative tribunals.
More infoPromoting members
Defends and promotes the interests of its members and the independent film and television production industry.
More infoWhy you should join us
Are you a technician interested in opening an account with AQTIS 514 IATSE (or complete an existing one)? If so, you must provide your date of birth and your social insurance number (SIN) when filling out the form.
This information allows us to issue your income tax slips and to transfer the accumulated saving from your RRSP and insurance, following the collective agreements.
Producer: To access the Members Directory and the Technician Job Search System, please contact us directly by email at jfaucher@aqtis514iatse.com.
Once your information has been reviewed and approve by our team during business hours, you will have access to My Profile, Tools and Documents and My Credits.
If you have any questions, please contact our Member Services team at 514 844-2113 or membres@aqtis514iatse.com.
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