Work Related Accidents OR HAZARD

We encourage you to report as soon as possible a situation arising in the course of work that resulted in or could have resulted in injuries


Please fill out the report at the bottom of the page. Once received, a member of our team will contact you within 2 business days. This is a completely confidential process. You must also report the event to a representative of the producer, even if you are able to continue working.



  1. A dangerous condition is defined as a risk that could affect mental and/or physical health (e.g. working on a roof, near the edge of a roof);

  2. A near-miss is defined as an incident that has occurred and did not result in injury or illness but is liable to do so (e.g. slipping on a puddle of water on the floor but regaining balance without falling);

  3. An accident is defined as a specific incident that resulted in injury or illness. The accident may or may not require first aid or medical attention (e.g. suffering a sore back while handling lighting equipment, which may not require treatment). The term also includes psychological disorders and occupational diseases.

reference Documents 


Important: Completing this form does not constitute filing a CNESST claim.


If you have any questions, please contact : 

Labour Relations Agent
514 844-2113 Ext 272 or 273

Workplace Accident or Hazard Form
Your Full Name
Phone Number
Production Title

Details of the Event

What do you want to declare?
Description of the Incident (Write the facts, describe the sequence and the state of the location)
Description of the Physical or Mental Injury(ies)
If yes, on what date?
If yes, on what date?
Pictures of the Incident